Monday, September 19, 2016

Week 2C: Businesses Employing Social Media

The sort of business that I am interested in and want to get in to has to do with big data or data management so the business websites that I looked at have to do with these field in some form or another.

Arcadia Data Inc

  • Latest Posts -
    • LinkedIn: 9/13/16 - for podcast updates, product demos, relevant articles awards, and features
    • Twitter:  9/19/16 (~3 hours before this posts) - more broad, events, promotes different pages, posts articles, developments in research, but repetitive

Alpine Data
  • Latest Posts - 
    • LinkedIn: 9/09/16The link to their LinkedIn actually doesn't work but they do have an account, market their projects with clients they've acquired, webinars, thought pieces they produce
    • Twitter: 9/19/16 The same as above but with more frequent updates, reminders, and follow-ups, 

  • Latest Posts -
    • LinkedIn: 9/19/16 Same as above, but centered on articles, research/develop updates, recognition, strategy; markedly more participation with likes and comments
    • Twitter: 9/19/16 Synced with LinkedIn
    • Facebook: 9/19/16 Somewhat similar to above but more focused on events, and marketing for them
  • Latest Posts - 
    • LinkedIn: 9/17/16 Marketing its services and solutions, highlighting prominent professionals, including shout-outs
    • Twitter: 9/19/16 Same as above, also makes plugs for relevant blogs marketing its stakeholders, and re-tweeting posts from clients - twitter feed also displayed on website
    • Facebook: 9/17/16 much the same as above, less participation in terms of reviews (virtually nonexistent) but seemingly accessible nonetheless
    • Google+: 9/16/16Same as above but much less cultivated
  • Latest Posts - 
    • Twitter: 7/29/16 Appears to be much more broad than the others, covers info relevant to any modern professional, such as mental health, relevant articles from various sources, and does a lot of re-tweeting but the company isn't very well followed
    • Facebook: 9/01/16 It is a much less attended to than the Twitter page and it looks like receives much less investment but much of the same posts found here are found on the Twitter page with 
As a note not to be neglected, many of the companies are located in Silicone Valley/San Francisco Bay Area

Post Replies:

To hear more about business to consumer communication through social media, be sure to check out these perspectives:




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