Saturday, October 15, 2016

Week 6A: Facebook Featured Likes

On my accompanying Facebook page for the Makers Space, I have recently engaged in 'featured likes' which are pages liked by the Makers Space that will be promoted when people visit. This should prove an exciting opportunity as the added recognition of these potential colleagues can boost my own recognition and standing in the fabrication world. The pages that I have liked include:
  • DP Design + Fabrication - David Polifko
  • Digital Fabrication Network - Dfab Net
  • Tyler Speir Bradford: Furniture Design
  • Bay Area Interior Design
  • IA Interior Architects
  • California Closets Bay Area
  • Anyon Interior Design
And there are certainly more to come. I chose these pages because they are represented by individuals that are directly, secondarily, or indirectly involved and adjacent to the fabrication of custom furniture and similar industrial arts. Some are interior designers and their businesses, other fabrication spaces, custom furniture designers and stores, or artists themselves. To connect with these individuals should be exciting.

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