Friday, October 14, 2016

Facebook Insights: What it Means for Business

Post Reach vs Post Engagement

Whenever we talk about analytics in social media, we are going to run into the concepts of post reach and engagement which are simply jargon detailing how effective your social media marketing strategies are. More specifically, but succinctly:

  • Reach = how many people see your brand
  • Engagement = How many people interact with the brand (likes, comments, shares, etc.)
Who we are reaching and engaging with would typically be defined by their demographic data, including age, gender, race, etc. Many social media platforms will have analytic tools that would help provide this data. One such is Facebook insights which will be discussed in more detail shortly. 

The goal is to have the reach lead to engagement, which should ultimately lead to direct engagement with the brand, be it buying a product, utilizing a service, or the like.

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